Toys and Stuffed Animal Storage Ideas

Toys and Stuffed Animal Storage Ideas

I have been on the hunt for ways to make it easy for the girls to keep their toys and stuffed animals organized or at the very least contained. One would think after 3 kids I would have this down by now, but nope! Here are just some of the fun ways to organize those toys and/or stuffed animals your little ones love. Some of these are going on my project list too!
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DIY Lego Storage Makeovers

DIY Lego Storage Makeovers

Are you on the hunt for some DIY Lego table makeovers/storage ideas? Keeping all those little pieces organized can be time consuming. So why not create a center made just for lego’s! Check out what some of these moms did to inspire you!
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Meal Planning

Older but handy post! Some people think that I enjoy organizing and planning ahead, nothing could be farther from the truth. I do not like it, but I hate chaos more, and that is what seems to happen when I don't. I'm still getting the hang of working full time, raising 3 kids, running a home, & also being a teacher to a 1st & 3rd grader. My husband works 50-70 hr weeks, never know when he will be home, and we never know if he will have a day off until the night before. He averages 2-3 days off a month, on a good month it's more like 3-5. All of this is the reason as to why I do what I do!
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