Healthy Snacks for Summer

Mommy’s Picks: Healthy Snacks for Summer


The heat is rolling in for summer. Your kids are home all day, and when they run around outside all day, they come back hungry. Sure, some part of us longs to toss over a packaged snack and let them fill up on those. Packaged snacks are quick, easy, and don’t ask you to turn on the oven when July humidity sets in.


Thankfully, there are many creative mommies out there who have dedicated time to finding those healthy, yummy, and most of all easy snacks. Here are some of my current faves:



Sliced watermelon on a stick

A popsicle stick, a cupcake wrapper, some fresh fruit, and you have the world’s easiest snack! (Hint: this works with other fruits, too. Extra hint: freeze the sliced fruit on a stick and you have fresh fruit popsicles!) 




Yogurt, Fruit, and Granola Popcicles

Still easy, and these popsicles have a little more substance than plain fruit. Plus, if your kid is picky and doesn’t like fruit straight up, this is a fun and yummy way to

 sneak it into their snacks!


Recipe from TheIdeaRoom ►



Strawberry Coconut Fruit Dip

Have you noticed how some kids hate veggies, but if hand them a bowl of ranch dressing to dip the veggies in they suddenly can’t get enough broccoli or cucumbers? This dip does for fruit what ranch dressing does for veggies—makes it irresistible. The best part? It’s only got three ingredients.


Link to recipe


Peanut Butter Crunch Balls

What is it with these three-ingredient recipes? It’s like they want to make it too easy for us to whip up tasty, healthy snacks! Oh, wait…I begin to see the master plan. But seriously: try these. You won’t be disappointed.



Almond Butter and Banana Open Sandwich

Taking the childhood classic peanut-butter-on-bananas to whole new (amazingly delicious) level. Substitute almond butter for peanut and jazz up a memory with three extra ingredients.




Chocolate Peanut Butter Granola Apple Bites

Fruit, granola, peanut butter—what’s not to like about these? They’re quick, easy, and can be made with staple items. Sweet and fresh, like summer itself.


Frozen Banana Pops

I like a snack that can be customized, that works with whatever I happen to have in my pantry right now. These totally qualify! Banana halves on a stick, rolled in your choice of spread and toppings, then frozen for a few hours. You can even let your little ones help with the making for cool, refreshing, melt-in-your-mouth fun!

How to



Grilled Apricot Quinoa Parfaits

Fire up the grill—it’s snack time! Where I come from, barbeque is a staple of our summer diet, and these cool parfaits are perfect for after-dinner treats on warm summer nights. Plus, if you barbeque the apricots while the grill is still hot from burgers, then it’s hardly any extra fuss!




Berry Peach Smoothie

For when you need something cold and wet, but you’ve already drank ten glasses of wwater before noon and need another option. Thick, creamy, with a zip that tingles on your tongue, this frozen treat is sure to refresh even on summer’s hottest days!


Make time today; share a snack with your little ones. Find joy together both in the delicious and the healthy.


Stay classy, mamas.

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